
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Not NaNo-ing and I'm OK with that!

Hey friends! Don't think I've been neglecting my writing even though I've been neglecting my blog :)

I've gotten some progress into my WIP revisions and I'm excited about some new directions it's taking. 
Now, you might think Nano is the perfect time to jump in and make the most of some new idea or finishing up this nagging last project but this year...

I'm not NaNo-ing :) 
and I am okay with that.

Well, yes Cahleel. It seems every writer in the blogosphere and beyond is writing there booties off and I say more power to ya!
 I'm here doing the same amount of writing as I usually do, periodically getting excited about all the writing sprints and thinking "Yes! I will!" but in all reality. No. I won't.

I still love to write. I'm still going to finish my book but this year I'll be a cheerleader for the writing sprinters of the world, and a mom, and a seamstress, and a cook, yeah, you get the idea.

Happy more than halfway through all you NaNo-ers and to the rest of us...
Happy writing!

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